Saturday, November 21, 2009

When I Think Back...

I couldn't help but enjoy this simple cartoon. Have I been a travel bug all my life? Hardly. I've traveled around the country with my family on vacays, but not until the past year or two when I started to travel on my own have I been truly bitten. Now I'm hooked:)

When were you bit by the travel bug?


  1. I've you've been bitten by the travel bug visit and start traveling the world with people who are just as passionate. I've couch surfed in three countries and am hooked!

  2. Ever since I was little, my mom has had to travel for work, and I was fortunate enough to be able to go with her. However, I don't think I was truly bitten by the travel bug until I was given the opportunity to study abroad and discover places on my own. It's just so liberating!

  3. I've loved traveling since I was little. My grandpa used to pack my cousins and I into his little car and take us all over Minnesota and Wisconsin. We didn't go far or see anything overly exciting, but he gave me my love of new people and places. My first trip to Europe got me hooked and now I just can't seem to be happy staying in one place.

  4. I'd have to agree with what seems to be the general consensus...I was very fortunate to have a family that loved to take vacations, so I was given a firm foundation in traveling. My mom was also one who would suddenly get the urge to be gone and she would often whisk my sister and I off for spontaneous weekend adventures that ranged from one state over to the tip of the country.
    I also started traveling on my own in the last couple of years and have become hooked, but I don't think that it would have appealed to me without all of the years of planned (and not-so-planned) family excursions.

  5. My family took small vacations when I was younger, but because there were never surplus finances (and because my dad doesn't like traveling), I didn't really get going until I took some personal initiative in high school. Two experiences-- a mission trip to Jamaica with my youth group and a travel study biology trip to Alaska through my school-- really helped me get my feet wet. Jamaica was my first international experience, and there was something amazing to me about waking up in one place and falling asleep in another. Alaska awakened me to the beauty and diversity of our country and empowered me to take risks and be resourceful in my travels. My biology teacher told me he could tell, after that trip, that my adventures as a traveler had just begun. He was right!


Where's the Travel Answer Man