Monday, November 23, 2009

Around the World in Six Years, Ten Months and Seven Days

Ok, so talk about a dream come true (well, for some anyway)! The man featured in this article ( spent the last almost 7 years travelling to every country in the world just to prove it could be done! Sounds like something straight out of a Jules Verne novel if you ask me.

Check out the article for yourself to read about some of the experiences he had (dodging bullets, etc.) and enjoy sharing (vicariously at least) in his long and exhausting journey.

Note: As the article states, don't expect to be too impressed with his photo taking skills...

1 comment:

  1. Alright, it might just be the photographer in me speaking, but it absolutely CRUSHED me that he didn't take full advantage of the opportunity to capture each place on film (or digital if it so suited him). That's part of the joy of photography! That whole "a picture's worth a thousand words" might be reduced to maybe 100 words with him. Amazing idea and execution on the travel, but fantastic opportunity missed myfriend - such an unfortunate shame.


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